Today i've received a bad news from my friend. One of my former classmate just passed away on the 18th September 2010 due to breast cancer.
I cried when i heard that she has 5 children and the youngest being only 7years old.
Although i have not seen her since school day's over, i can still remember her very well.
Her name is Ng Moi Len. She's wearing black rim spectacle and she's slim & tall with baby doll hair. Eventhough she's chinese educated, we get on very well. She's also the one that i confide to about my first puppy love... I remember she's also in the school basketball team.
I was thinking all night about her. Why god takes away people who still has unfinished things to do in this world? She has to raise & educate her children. They still needs her. What about her husband?
Cancer does not discrimate. So nothing is fair.
Moi Len, you will always be remembered. This is for you.....
It sounds so fun, driving around in the sun..
You are so innocent, carefree & sweet..
You had the world at your feet..
Who would have known you would die..
Leaving everyone you touch to grieve and to cry..
Into the car you go so fast..
It all came up too fast for sight..
But you didn't give up without a fight..