The most important people in my life is my husband and my daughter.
We have reach a point in life that other people does not matter in your life anymore other than your loved ones.
Of course my mom, sisters and brothers are also important but not in the same way I felt for my husband and daughter.
Maybe everyone has their own family to feel important to and mom has everyone of us to give her the importance.
On the important day of 20th October 1996 when I got married to my husband, I felt important because I am his wife and life companion.
He is the most important person in my life. He has something, that no one else has. I feel safe and secure in his arms and he is the pillar of my life.
The inspiration I gained, it came from knowing him. The boost I had needed, came from his caring heart.
The second most important day in my life is on 29th February 2000. That is the day I am blessed with my daughter, making me the happiest of women.
She is like an angel, sent from above to fill my heart with unending love.
She is a bundle of firsts that excite and delight, the warmth that comes from deep inside.
These two people has gives me unconditional loves, strength and guidance.
To be a part of a family like mine is so divine where love is shown and hurt is shared, our love for each other is never impaired.
Thank you my dear Jimmy and Kar Mun for bringing so much joy and laughter into my life.
I love you both.

As guilty as can be, sometimes we have to resolve to telling white lies for the sake of others.
In my case, it is telling it to mom...you can call me bad... but it is a situation where there is totally no choice.
Now, let me make it clear. I am not one for lying or for telling people it is perfectly alright to lie. Having said that, telling a little white lies sometimes can be healthy or even help to manage a problem better.
Lately mom has a craving for prunes. She can finish the whole tub in a day meaning seven tubs of prunes in a week!
And of course the excessive eating makes her bowel uncontrollable. She soiled herself to the extend there's not enough clothes for her to change and the poor maid have to do all the dirty work.
Limiting the prunes is totally out as mom will go berserk. She will ransack the whole house until she gets it. Telling her that the shop ran out of prunes is also another bad idea.
So we put our heads together and work out a little white lie.
I know we are forbidden to lie with the intend to harm someone but it is perfectly acceptable to lie to protect someone and that person is our beloved mom.
Mom, the truth will be left unspoken.
All for the sake of you.
Forgive us, your filial children,
To tell you a little white lie,
is a harmless,
thoughtful pleasantry.
All for the sake of you.

The school 1st term holiday has started today...oh what a luxury!
First luxury - sleep till the sun sneak in!
Second luxury - devour my breakfast in the afternoon..way way
past lunch!
Third luxury - sit around in my pyjamas, doing absolutely
Fourth luxury - wallowing in simplicity while the days just
faded by!
This is absolutely perfect heavenly bliss. Making a pig out of me..yeah!
I got to admit I enjoy some lethargy but hey, this is what holiday is about when you are living in a city like KL (abused by the crazy traffic)!
You may think that this is a waste of time but put yourself in my shoes, waking up everyday (except Sat & Sun) at 5.30am in the morning.
And me being a night owl, I am practically dragging myself out of bed every morning.
Well, I hope when the holiday is over, I will be more enthusiastic, my batteries will be recharged and waking up at 5.30am won't be so drastic!
Happy Holidays to All Sleep Deprived Mom!!!
Today marks another milestone in my little girl's life.
She has her menstruation today.
The feeling I have is kind of mixed.
Feeling happy that she has turn into a young adult and at the same time I am going to miss my little baby girl.
I still remember the joy when I discovered that I was pregnant with her.
The joy of feeling her coming out from me is an experience of miracle through the union of me and my husband.
The many sleepless night that we had waking up for her night feed. Holding her in my arms, looking at me with her eyes so innocent and wide.
The first time when she spoke, she call me MAMA and I almost cried out with joy.
Her first step makes my heart missed a beat when she so clumsily lurch forward.
Her first day at kindergarten makes me missed her so much eventhough it is only for three hours.
And her first day in primary school makes me even more worried.
When she was 8 years old, she was admitted to the hospital for 1 week for urine infection, I was by her side all the time, never even letting her out of my sight once.
When she was 9 years old, she was chosen to recite a Malay poem, we practice day and night together in front of the mirror so that she will have the confident when she went on stage.
When she was 10 years old, she was curious why her body started to feel different and I told her that she is entering puberty.
Today, my dear little girl, you are entering the passage to womanhood and there will be many more changes in your life. We will go through this beautiful passage together and I will always be there for you if you ever face any obstacle.
I love you, my dear Kar Mun♥ ♥ ♥