Mother's Day has come and gone.
Every year, Mother's Day celebration is a must and celebrated with much fuss.
The word MOTHER may be commonly used everyday. Every second, it has been mentioned and written unknown times.
The Chinese will have different ways to acknowledge their mother, like "mu qing"or "ma ma".
The Malay will call their mother "emak" or "ibu".
The Indian will have their version like "ama" or "mama".
For the Latin, the word mamma means "breast".
And the word "mammal" is derived from "mama". Mammals (meaning `breast feeder' are animals which feed milk to its young.
Amazingly, all this are linked to mother.
The word for mother has been one expression. Every woman is or can be a mother and every mother is a woman. Biologically, only a woman can be a mother.
Mother or smother, the choice is not yours. She will always be your mother be it heaven or hell.
Of course if you have MOTHER, it will brings closeness, love and never-ending love.
But if you have SMOTHER, than it means suffocation, bitterness and misunderstanding.
For all mothers out there, the choice is yours, don't be a smother.
Who are the Baby Boomers?
A search from Wikipedia tells me that baby boomers are people born between the years 1946 to 1964. Now Baby Boomers are between the ages 44 to 62.
Statistic shows that in America alone, there are 76 millions baby boomers. This does not include the rest of the world and I am proud to said that I am one of the statistic.
Being born in the baby boomer's year means that there is not enough of anything for everybody.
There are 8 of us in the family and I remember we have so little to eat, not to said toys to play with.
My parents has to work so hard to feed 8 mouths and whatever is place on the table is never wasted.
An apple is always cut into 8 pieces, school uniforms and shoes are always han
d me down and toys are always creatively made from stuff we got from the woods or unwanted things.
I have never felt that we don't have enough. With so many brothers and sister, I have never felt that I wanted more.

Growing up in the 70s was fun. That was the revolution year of The Beatles, The Carpenters and in my small little world, David Cassidy was the most handsome guy on earth. I would secretly cut out all his photos from the than Fanfare magazine and paste it in my scrap book.
Writing song on our self-made song book was the in thing. If you don't own one, you are considered not normal. And during recess, we would be howling songs like Top of The World, Please Mr Postman and a few others by The Carpenter.
That is also the time when Bruce Lee died. Even though we don't have television in the house, I idolised him also. I remember crying my heart out for this heart breaker.
Yes, television was a luxury during those days. Every evening, we would sneak to our neighbor's house to watch the famous Ultra Man. They are the only family in the whole neighborhood that owns a television. Of course they find us annoying because we would hog their doorway until the show ends.
Sometimes they would bang the door shut on our face. But being children, we have very thick skin. We would peek through the window to finish the show.
Owing a telephone is also rare. Only one or two of our neighbors own one. Whenever there is a phone call for any of us, everybody will know. Our names will be yelled across the street.
When I first started working in an office, the telephone terrific me. Whenever it rings, I will stammered answering it because talking to an unknown person on the phone is never part of my growing up life.

Working life for people born in the baby boomer years can be quite a challenge. Cultural identity, social changes and economic impact is all part of us.
Most of us now are in our retirement age and some of us are still having young family to raise and elderly parents to take care of.
My family is an example. My daughter is only 11 years old while we are almost in our retirement age.
As a late boomer our self, we decide to have one child only. Everything is painstakingly plan for her. No deprivation will she suffer like we do.
We will have a long way to go and I hope the journey will be a smooth one.
April sails by through stormy nights and windy days bringing forth sweet May flowers.
First of May...yes, that is Labor Day...passes like a breeze
How we celebrate this laborious day?
It is nothing eventful but meaningful. We got an unexpected call in the evening for an invitation to dinner with our usual Saturday group.

This group consist of three families. They are my husband's sister and their spouse.
We has been having this Saturday gathering for the past 8 years or so.
The initial gatherings has more children joining us but as times goes by, the young ones has grown up and of course, they have their own life to lead. They are either married or moving further away from home due to work commitment.
The only young adult that is joining us now is my daughter, Karmun. But occasionally, we do have some of her cousin.
This gathering was first initiated by my husband.
Being a devoted person to his family, he reasons that as age is catching up, we should spend more time with those that we love.
So that is the beginning of our gathering.
Throughout all these years, we have some eventful and memorable togetherness.
Eventful, yes...during those days when everybody is still energetic and younger, Saturday dinner can be adventurous. We will be trying different restaurant every week and on public holidays, it can be as crazy as driving more that 100km just to hunt for interest eating place.
Memorable..mmm, there are hilarious and bitter ones.
But of course, the good ones will always remains and the bitter ones will be forgiven and forgotten as forgiveness is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.
Now our routine Saturday has mellow down a lot as the oldest in the group is 70 plus and of course the youngest is my family....hubby being 50 years, me at 49 years and Karmun only 11 years old.
We look forward to our meeting every Saturday and I hope that this can go on for as long everybody is able to.
In this month of May and year 2011, may the great blessing of mankind are within us and within our reach us and I made my life my monument.