Panicky and inexperience, my husband call the doctor and was told to calm down but we have to be in the hospital as soon as we can.

Trying to be as calmed as a cat, I took a quick bath and pack whatever is needed.
We arrived at the hospital at about 9.00am and I was immediately wheeled into the labor room with my husband by my side.
Scared and at the same time feeling excited, I try to follow the instruction given by the doctor in order to have a safe and easy delivery although it is not as simple as it seems.
My first contraction came at 11.00am. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life and with an interval of two hours, the pain comes on again.
As the morning stretched into noon, the interval of the pain becomes shorter and I was beginning to feel exhausted.
By this time, the doctor told me that if the baby does not come by 5.00pm, he will have to do a cesarean on me.
More panic feelings sets in.
There is no way I am going to go through that as I have always wanted to have a natural birth and I am determine to do it.
Taking in another deep breath, I apply the breathing techniques of pushing again, push.....heave...ho..arrrrg... for another 2 agonizing hours without realizing that I was grasping my husband fingers so tightly until he does not feel his own hands anymore. I have to give credit to him for going through the pain with me.
Finally the baby arrived at 7.35pm and my husband was with me to witness the birth of our baby. It was the most emotional moments of my life when I feel her coming out of me.
Her first whimpers, her first cries will always be imprinted in my brain.
Those tiny fingers curling around my own makes my heart cries out in joy.
We name our little precious gift Kar Mun and she is born on this special leap day of 29th February 2000.
Today she is 12 years old and she has filled our lives with so many happy days with her countless little ways.
No words can describe the warm memories, the pride and the gratitude that comes from having a daughter.
Happy Birthday .. my princess...