My daughter says I should talk about her in my blog also. Well, I guess I should. Her strict instruction to me is to introduce her as Sabrina Lim Kar Mun and she's 11 years old. I must also include her blog address http://karmunlim123.blogspot.com/ so in case some of you read this, you can also write on her blog...:)
Coincidentally, Kar Mun has a rabbit for a pet this year. But not just because this is the year of the rabbit. She has been a very good girl and we feel that she should have a real pet to keep instead of cuddly toys only.
She name the rabbit Fluffy. It is a 3 months old female hottot rabbit. Hottot rabbits are originally from Holland but they are breed and and sold in Malaysia so they are cheaper compared to some imported ones.
Basically, rabbits are easy to care for. Give them a few hours of exercise outside their cage everyday. You don't have to bathe them as they are very clean animals. Their diet consists mainly of rabbit pellets & hay. Occasionally, gives them some green leafy vegetables. Carrots is not such a good choice because it is high in sugar thus rabbit can becomes obesity....haha imagine that!
Fluffy has been a good companion for Kar Mun. Besides school works and internet, I think Fluffy has been a good inspiration for Kar Mun.
Happy Chinese New Year to Sabrina Lim Kar Mun and Fluffy. I love you.

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