It is almost the end of the 2 weeks school holiday.
I am counting the minutes, hours and days to the demised my lazy- hazy, diddle-daddle, dilly-dally heavenly days.
Oh, it's pure paradise sleeping and waking up at boundless and ungodly hours.
Life during the school holidays is paradisaical bliss.
I have transformed overnight into an angel sent from above. The angelic me has make me a darling with my daughter and husband but that of course will not survived for more than two weeks when the school reopen.
Meanwhile, the devil in me has been kept safely locked in the dungeon waiting to pounce again.
Yes, that's what school and stress can do to a blissfully happy human like me.
But then again, what do you expect when one has to zig-zag through crazy traffic jam under the scorching sun everyday except weekends and dealing with a tantrumus sleepy 11 years old.
Bless mothers of all universe, I truly salute those of you with half a dozen children or more.
As I am writing this, I can feel a tantrum coming on just thinking about school reopening.
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