Forty-nine going on fifty not only gives me more grey hair, crankiness and wrinkles but worsening eye sight
Long-sightedness or medically known as hyperopia creep ed into my life about a year ago. I was too proud to admit than that I am done with the hill and am now over the hill.

Here I am now, surrendering to the gravity of aging as I cannot fight on further fearing that yours truly will one day may not be able to write on this blog due to long-sightedness, far-sightedness what ever you name it.
You can live without sex but not without glasses. Without doubt, it is so true.
So now the first thing to do is pay a visit to the optician and than proceed home to wait for my husband in bed.
Guess it is not such a hugh problem at all and at it's best, I get my sight and sex in order now.
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