
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I am back! But with backache on my back.....

We are having a major renovation on our house and that started 3 weeks back and I cannot imagine how I can go through another month of banging and drilling not to mentioned dust flying around like showering talcum powder blanketing every nooks and crannies.

Being allergic to dust, I was sneezing my head off until my nose looks like a raw burger.

I was braving this war alone as my darling daughter will be in school and my honey husband is at work.

The daily wiping and mopping is giving me nightmare. No joke, it really does. much for home is but a paradise.

But then again, I guess the end result would be worth all the pain and of course the money well spent.

I can also swear that if ever we were to do it again, it will be for my daughter's wedding. So my little girl, I hope you will not let me go through this nightmare too soon.

So much for all the groaning and moaning. I can hear another wailing sound from the monstrous drill again and it's just too distracting for me to continue writing.

Okay drill, here I come. I will fight and kill you and leave no forensic evidence....